
Wednesday 25 May 2016

Sarawak History Of Currency

This is the history of Sarawak Currency

 Source: FB Sarawak Association For People's Aspiration (SAPA)


Selamat Gawai 2016
Kumang Gawai Menua Sarawak 

Kumang Gawai - Gracezilla Amanda Benjamin

Kumang Gawai - Vivienna Q. Alfred

Kumang Gawai - Mialanie Miang
Kumang Gawai - Rachelle Mike

Kumang Gawai - Michelle Thomas Magal

Kumang Gawai - Shalley Bybera Kunai

Kumang Gawai - Esther Francis

Kumang Gawai - Fitrahsya Justin


Kumang Gawai Sri Aman 2016

Kumang Gawai Sri Aman 2016  - Dionna Griffin
Lulong Gawai Sri Aman 2016 - Anne Lyn
Selinggar Matahari Sri Aman 2016 - Tracy Arynna

Thursday 19 May 2016


Banjir kilat melanda kuching 19.05.2016 setelah hujan lebat tanpa henti selama 2 jam.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Sidang DUN Sarawak

07 JUN 2016 - 15 JUN 2016

07 JUN 2016

Monday 16 May 2016

Perarakan Karnival Gawai Bahagian Betong 2016 (13-15.05.2016)

Jika di Sri Aman terkenal dengan Perarakan Chap Goh Mei, di Bahagian Betong pula sinonim dengan perarakan Gawai Peringkat Bahagian Betong. Perarakan tersebut di adakan saban tahun dan menjadi Acara utama untuk Karnival Gawai Peringkat Bahagian Betong.

Saban tahun, Karnival Gawai diadakan di Bahagian Betong. Karnival tersebut lazimnya diadakan pada bulan Mei sebelum Perayaan Gawai Dayak 01 Jun diadakan.

Untuk tahun 2016, pelbagai aktiviti telah dirangka. Antaranya adalah:
Perarakan Gawai 
Pertandingan Karaoke
Pertandingan Tarik Tali
Pertandingan Nyumpit
Big Bikers Gathering
Kumang Gawai
Pemeriksaan Kesihatan
Pertandingan Begiga Entelah
Pameran Pencegahan Jenayah

Disamping itu, diadakan juga Gerai Jualan untuk menjual barangan produk pelancongan dan Gerai Jualan Makanan. Gerai Jualan tersebut dibuka dari 13.05 - 22.05.2016.

Acara Perasmian Karnival disempurnakan oleh ADUN N36 Layar YB Gerald Rentap Jabu pada malam 13.05.2016. Acara perarakan juga dirasmikan oleh YB Gerald Rentap Jabu pada 14.05.2016 dan YB Gerald juga bersama sama dengan tetamu kehormat yang lain berjalan berarak mengelilingi Bandar Betong sejauh 1.8KM. Perarakan bermula dan berakhir di Kompleks Sukan Betong.
Kemuncak acara adalah Majlis Makan Malam Gawai Dayak Peringkat Bahagian Betong yang akan diadakan di Dewan Sukan Stephen Kalong Ningkan pada 20.05.2016. Malam itu juga akan diadakan Peringkat Akhir Kumang Gawai Betong 2016.

Selamat Hari Gawai Dayak 2016! 




Govt mulls north-south water main

This long-term plan is to ensure the people, especially rural folk, have access to clean and treated water 

KUCHING: The state government plans to set up an integrated water supply connection system that is similar in concept to the state grid that connects power to distribution networks serving urban centres.

Second Resource Planning and Environment Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan, who announced this yesterday, said this proposal formed part of a long-term plan to provide clean and treated water to the people, particularly those in rural areas.

“What we have in mind is to have the main pipe from southern Sarawak connected to the north, similar to the power sector,” he said when officiating at the new office of the State Rural Water Supply Department (JBALB) at ST3 in Jalan Simpang Tiga here yesterday.

Also present were Public Utilities Minister Datuk Dr Stephen Rundi Utom, Ministry of Public Utilities permanent secretary Ubaidillah Abdul Latip, and JBALB director Daniel Wong Park Ing.
Awang Tengah added that currently an interconnection of water supply from one region to another had been implemented, but not on this scale.

“For instance, in the case of water supply to Tanjung Manis, the raw water is tapped from Sibu and transferred to Tanjung Manis. No doubt certain regions will have ample raw water sources while other regions may just have a plain area with underground water source. I think this is one of the areas we need to take into consideration so that we can utilise the resources we have.”

Awang Tengah, who is the former Public Utilities Minister, hoped Dr Rundi would pursue this plan further to expand the state’s treated water coverage.

“Expectations are very high these days, so I hope there will be more focus, particularly for rural areas as these are the areas that need assistance. We don’t want our people in the rural areas to be deprived of either treated or clean water.” Awang Tengah said under the 11th Malaysia Plan, 795 water projects had been proposed to benefit an additional 79,130 households.

“However, only 218 projects have been approved with an initial provision of RM3.54 billion under the 11th Malaysia Plan.”

He said the state government would lobby for more funds for the remaining projects in the mid-term review of the 11th Malaysia Plan or next rolling plan.

The demand for water supply, Awang Tengah said, had increased drastically over the years.

In the last five years, for instance, the consumer base had increased from about 788,000 to 1,254,000 while the length of water supply pipelines increased from about 4,400km to 6,700km.

In terms of water treatment plants, their number increased from 76 to 90, he added.
On JBALB, he said the formation of the department was to take over the water supply responsibilities of the state Public Works Department (JKR). It is to specialise on water supply in the rural areas to enhance service delivery.

JBALB was set up last year and gazetted on April 19 this year.

“The ministry and the public are expecting that JBALB, as a dedicated water supply department, will be able to be more effective in planning, design and development of raw water source and water supply system in Sarawak, especially in managing, operating and maintaining of water supply system in areas within its jurisdiction.”

 Awang Tengah (third from right, front row), Dr Rundi (Awang Tengah’s right) and others performing the launching gimmick when officiating at the new office of JBALB at ST3 yesterday. — Photos by Muhammad Rais Sanusi